This page highlights past team members who have completed theses or projects aligned with our research topics.
PhD Theses
- Cláudia Brito - Towards a Privacy-Preserving Distributed Machine Learning Framework, 2024.
- Tânia Esteves - Flexible Tracing and Analysis of Applications' I/O Behavior, 2024.
- Ricardo Macedo - User-level Software-Defined Storage Data Planes, 2023.
- Rogério Pontes - Trade-offs between privacy and efficiency on databases, 2021.
MSc Theses
- Bruno Pereira - Towards Optimized Development and Testing of Ransomware Detection Solutions, 2024.
- Sara Pereira - Towards Fine-grained, Holistic Energy Control in Large-Scale Computing Infrastructures, 2024.
- Rúben Adão - Co-designing Log-Structured Merge Key-Value Stores with a Non-Volatile Storage Hierarchy, 2024.
- Maria Ramos - Reproducible Fault Injection for Local Storage Systems, 2024.
- Maria Beatriz Moreira - I/O Optimizations for Distributed Deep Learning Training, 2024.
- Pedro Rodrigues - Analysis of I/O patterns for Data Management Systems, 2023.
- Alexandre Ferreira - Fault-tolerant and Large-scale Storage for POSIX-compliant Applications, 2023.
- Alexandre Miranda - Realistic Assesment of Failures in the SPDK Platform, 2023.
- João Azevedo - Realistic Fault Assessment for Distributed Storage Systems, 2022.
- Marco Dantas - Accelerating Deep Learning Training on High-Performance Computing with Storage Tiering, 2022.
- Diogo Leitão - RSafeFS: Modular File System for Remote Storage, 2021.
- Carlos Pedrosa - HIODS: Hybrid Inline and Offline Deduplication System, 2021.
- Cláudia Correia - PRISMA: A Prefetching Storage Middleware for Accelerating Deep Learning Frameworks, 2021.
- Daniel Fernandes - LSFS: Large-scale fault-tolerant file system, 2021.
- Mariana Miranda - S2Dedup: SGX-enabled Secure Deduplication System, 2020.
- Alexandre Silva - DEDISBench++: Realistic evaluation of storage systems supporting deduplication and compression, 2020.
- Tânia Esteves - Configurable and Secure Storage Systems, 2018.
- Diogo Costa - Research on SPDK and I/O Profiling, 2024.
- Diogo Leitão - Research work on I/O optimizations for deep learning and persistent memory, 2022.
- Alberto Faria - Research on userspace storage block devices, 2022.
- César Borges - Research on fault-injection benchmarking, 2022.
- Diogo Ribeiro - Research work on storage tiering, 2021.